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  Percival Triangle Scheme - London Islington, Malta Str Open Space - Attractive planting on central �Wavy Walls�Welcome to
Crasemann Landscape Architecture & Consulting

Please enjoy visiting our newly updated website. We  look forward to hearing from you to provide you with the best solution to your garden and landscape requirements.

Our services include design and management services from the first ideas through to and past completion for a wide range of projects from small urban gradens, roof gardens and any size of private garden via housing and office building developments to public realm projects like playgrounds, parks, home zones and multifunctional streetscapes.

You will see further additions to these new pages over the next few weeks, to provide you with a more comprehensive overview over our services, expertise and projects.

Cay-Joachim Crasemann

 Percival Triangle Scheme - London Islington, Malta Str Open Space - Attractive planting on central �Wavy Walls�


crasemann landscape architecture 2023